Rockwall Texas laser hair removal specialists at EVEXIAS Texas can eliminate unwanted hair from any part of the face or body safely and permanently. Trust EVEXIAS of Dallas for all of your laser hair removal needs.

Traditional hair removal methods like shaving, waxing, tweezing and plucking are tedious and time-consuming. Even worse, they can cause unsightly and uncomfortable ingrown hairs, razor burn and shaving bumps, and the results are only temporary. Laser hair removal is a safe, convenient alternative that can eliminate the never-ending hassle and expense of managing unwanted hair.

The laser aesthetics specialists at EVEXIAS Rockwall use state-of-the-art laser platforms to permanently reduce unwanted hair quickly and effectively. Using smart technology, the latest breakthrough device measures melanin, the pigment that produces hair, skin and eye color, to allow for personalized hair removal treatments perfectly matched to your skin type.

Call 469-440-0365 today to schedule your laser hair removal consultation at EVEXIAS Rockwall and discover how you can get the smooth, touchable skin you want.

Treatment Areas

Laser hair removal is a noninvasive, nonsurgical treatment that can be used on almost any part of the face or body. It is an especially popular choice for removing hair in the following areas:

Facial Hair

Unwanted facial hair can be embarrassing. While laser hair removal is not recommended for eyebrows, eyelids or the surrounding areas, it is safe for use on the upper lip, chin and sideburns.

Bikini Line

The bikini line is an especially sensitive and tricky area, making shaving or waxing a difficult experience- and then there’s upkeep. Laser hair removal offers a permanent, polished-looking solution.

Underarm Hair

Removing unwanted hair from the armpits is a daily chore for many women, especially during sleeveless season. Laser hair removal can help you throw on that sundress without a second thought.

Leg Hair

Shaving your legs every day is both inconvenient and ineffective. Does your hair seem to grow back the second you put down the razor? Laser hair removal is permanent and doesn’t miss any spots.

Chest Hair

Chest hair can be dark, thick and difficult to maintain. Whether you’re looking to remove all of your chest hair or simply thin it out, laser hair removal offers a customizable solution.

Back Hair

While it’s theoretically possible to remove unwanted hair from your own back, it’s certainly not easy. Waxing can be painful and short-lived. Laser hair removal is a simpler, more permanent solution.


EVEXIAS Cutting-Edge Products and Technologies

Thanks to nature, science and technology, EVEXIAS Rockwall now offers patients more advanced and effective anti-aging skin treatments than ever before. From Botulinum Toxin A and dermal fillers to laser therapy our board certified nurse practitioners and licensed aestheticians can help you determine which options would be most beneficial for you.

EVEXIAS Rockwall has invested in several different lasers in order to meet our patients’ varied aesthetic needs. These lasers from industry leading manufacturer LUMENIS® include the multi-purpose laser platform Stellar M22 (intense pulse light (IPL), OPT® Optimal Pulse Technology, Nd-YAG laser innovations, cooling technology and more) and the CO2 fractional lasers AcuPulseTM and FemTouchTM.
Helps regain smooth, firm, supple skin and address acne scars with chemical peels, facials, microneedling, RF facial resurfacing, CO2 fractional laser and more.
Hyaluronic acid fillers from Restylane® and Revaness Versa® and non-synthetic collagen Belafill® injections may be used to address wrinkles and sagging skin.
Botulinum Toxin A cosmetic injectables have been used for decades to help minimize and even prevent fine lines and wrinkles

EVEXIAS of Rockwall treats a Variety of Concerns including:

Evexias Medical Center Rockwall Texas

Feel confident in your skin.

The laser hair removal specialists at EVEXIAS Rockwall help women and men in Rockwall permanently remove unwanted hair.

Schedule your consultation today by calling 469-440-0365 and find out if laser hair removal is right for you.