To boost your athleticism and recovery rates, the Rockwall Peptide Specialists at EVEXIAS Rockwall are utilizing same the breakthrough peptide compounds that have become favorites among sports professionals.

The capabilities of the human body are being explored and pushed further than ever before. We are getting stronger, faster, and more flexible. The motivation and determination to spend long hours training in the gym is one thing, but what happens when the body simply can’t keep up with the willpower? Peptide Therapy offers a boost to growing hormones and relief to sore, tired muscles.

Peptides are making waves in the sports community as supplements for supporting the body’s ability to grow and heal, slowing the aging process as well as preventing future illnesses and injury. These short strings of amino acids are found in many of the foods you eat in a healthy diet, but at EVEXIAS Rockwall in Rockwall, our peptide specialists use carefully curated compounds for your maximum benefit.

Call 469-440-0365 to speak with Rockwall Sports Performance and Recovery Specialists at EVEXIAS Rockwall and discover how Peptides can help you!

Sports Performance and Recovery Peptides

CJC1295 is a synthetic analogue that increases plasma growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1. When combined with Ipamorelin, clients experience collagen rejuvenation, improved healing and recovery, and increased muscle mass and function.

Since its first utilization as an anti-obesity drug, AOD 9604 aids weight loss by working to stimulate your pituitary gland, this speeds up your metabolism and increases fat burning. This peptide also helps regulate blood sugar and insulin levels, as well as benefits muscle building.

Originally developed to prevent skin cancer, Melanotan-II also increases your production of skin-darkening pigments, aids weight loss with appetite-suppressing qualities, and has been a successful treatment for erectile dysfunction.

Sarcopenia is an aging condition that causes muscle mass to decline, but Sarcotropin is a peptide that combats this by aiding in muscle mass retention and accelerated healing, which will positively affect your weight fluctuations, libido, sleep quality, and cognitive function.

Also called Ibutamoren, MK-677 is becoming the best friend of sports enthusiasts everywhere. It stimulates growth hormone levels without prompting an increase in cortisol, which means more focused energy on bone density, sleep, cognitive function, and muscle building.

Semaglutide shook the wellness industry with its impeccable results in helping patients lose weight while reducing their blood pressure, insulin, and triglyceride levels, and boosting blood glucose levels and insulin sensitivity. It also provides benefits with libido.

ABP-7  is a synthesized peptide that copies the naturally occurring ABP-7, found within your skeletal and soft muscles. When injury occurs, ABP-7 releases into your body, and is used to calm muscle spasms, boost tissue repair, prevent scar tissue, maintain flexibility, and more.

Inflammation is the wrench in the cog of your healing processes, stalling your recovery and causing pain, heat, and discomfort. Thymulin is a thymic peptide that fights inflammation by preventing the production of inflammatory bodies that your injury signals.


Boost Your Performance, Achieve Greatness

For your athletic gains and recovery, call 469-440-0365 to speak with the specialists at EVEXIAS Rockwall and discover how peptide therapy can help you train your best, today and every day.

Our experts at EVEXIAS Rockwall are enhancing the athletic prowess of men and women in Rockwall and surrounding areas.